Saturday, September 25, 2010

What's your motivation?

Here I am with my "chords!"
Don't worry! Everything will work out! This is what I recently told a good friend of mine.
My friend is totally worried about her child not ever getting into college. Well, not to worry as I was a total non college recipient. The counselors never even pulled me into their office to ask me about it or guide me. They did not see me as potential.
As a parent who schools their child at home .... there are many ways to get your child into college. You can self transcript, take the GED or diploma equivalency, try the ACT test, do a private online accredited school or even a public virtual school. There are many options and I am not one to judge any parent for what they choose to do and how they educate their child. Not everything works for all families and I don't live in their circumstances to make that decision either.
Here is how I got into college being a total failure throughout my public high school years. Keep in mind...... that I went all the way through public high school, graduated and got my diploma. YAHOO! Diploma in hand ... now what?

First, let's back up a bit. I was the one in school who really "wasn't there." If you know what I mean. I showed up everyday and had my group of friends, but I don't recall EVER paying any attention in any class accept for art, sewing and jewelry class. I don't even remember studying for any test either. Maybe that's why I got D's and F's. When something was due my dad would sit down and practically write my papers for me. ha,ha,ha,ha! Thanks dad! So, I graduated and was out of HS for about a year and working at a skateboard shop and did Rogaine (yes, Rogaine) surveys over the phone. I lived right down the street from Mesa Community College and decided one day to go there and see what it was all about.
A little family history ... neither of my parents nor my two older brothers went to college. And there was little to no talk in the house about what we wanted to do when we grew up and that we should go to college. If there was I probably wasn't listening and to busy riding my skateboard and driving around in my low rider car club. Yes, I did that too! I was probably the perfect case of ADD/ ADHD back then but it wasn't a big thing at that time like it is now.
So, I went and took the "test". I couldn't even test into a community college. How PATHETIC!! Well, I took the test but had to start at taking high school level courses (like way low high school level and perhaps jr. high level). Once again, I got my HS diploma. It was well earned and totally prepared me for my future! NOT!!!

I worked my way up through the community college and got my AA and AGS degrees and when I picked up the cap and gown I noticed some people had these chords around their neck and I asked about them. They told me I had to have a 3.4 GPA or something like that to get one and I asked what mine was and it was like 3.3 GPA. I was so pissed!!! I wanted those soooooo bad!
But I graduated and earned that diploma and now I have a new motivation and that was to go to Arizona State University and get "those honor chords!" I did just that! Remember, I never caught up throughout elementary, jr. high and high school years, but I went to college. I drove to the college myself and even with failing grades all through school I made it and to the university and graduated Cum Laude and was a Harry Truman scholarship recipient. But that was when I was ready!

So, I say "Don't worry and freak out so much! Everything will work out!"

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