Sunday, March 21, 2010

The show is over!

Shae had her first debut in "True Love ... A Wolf's Tale" last night. She did wonderful and had a great time as well. I wasn't sure if she would enjoy the stage as much as Kayla but she sure did.

They are pictured in these photos from random scenes.

Way to go girls! We are very proud of you!

They both shined even more in their second show.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What a life!!!

What a wonderful day it was today in Prescott! The moms and I sit back and chat and watch our darling girls in their tennis class at the Prescott Racquetball Club. One mom says out loud ..."What a life these kids have!"
I am very lucky to be able to give my kids the freedom and flexibility to thoroughly enjoy their child hood.
Above is Shae super focused on getting that ball and below Kayla has got her eye on that ball as well.
I am glad they both are enjoying this class as it is something they can enjoy all thru adulthood.


The girls had another great expierence with being on TV ... AZTV channel 7. They were on live yesterday with 7 of the cast members from "True Love ... A Wolf's Tale." Basically, they were promoting the cute play that they will be in this Saturday March 20th at 2p and 6p at the Prescott Boys and Girls Club.
Kayla and Shae are on the far left.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Showing March 20th at 2p & 6p

The girls are excited for their play next Saturday March 20th at 2pm and 6pm at the Prescott Boys and Girls Club. They had their first dress rehearsal and they have one more before the show.
Shae is a deer and Kayla is a lion in the first scene.
Here is a snap shot of part of the cast for our first dress rehearsal yesterday.

Come see the show! Tickets are $7 for adults $5 children age 5 and up.

At the Prescott Boys and Girls Club March 20th at 2pm and 6pm

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Congrats Kayla!!!

This is the latest audition that Kayla completed and is so excited to be part of the cast.
She had auditions for 2 days for 3 hours each. There was a lot of sitting and waiting. On the first day she had to wait about one hour and a half for her turn to sing. She sang Popular from Wicked and did a great job. She was so cute and proud of herself! They read a little from the script and then it was on to day two. Day two seemed even more long as all the kids did was read from different pieces from the script. Kayla read a couple of times and waited some more. It was another long 3 hours and it ended with us scrapping ice off our car windows and carefully driving home. ha,ha! What fun!

Today was the day to find out if she was part of the Schoolhouse Rock cast. Here is the theatre office and those are the windows that the paper was taped to with the names of about 30 kids out of around 70 who auditioned. These kids were now part of the cast of Schoolhouse Rock Live! Jr.
This show over laps a couple of weeks with the current show that she and Shae are rehearsing for. So, lets hope we can survive it all! :-)
April 30th 7pm & May 1st 2pm and 7pm.
At PFAA ~ Get your tickets now to reserve your seats!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


By looking at the picture above you can see that Kayla's head is about to the top of that tower. The girls have been wanting a bigger and taller play house. I had talked about adding a room on to the back of their existing structure that we made last year.
We decided to start it and this project was going to be "GIRLS ONLY!" We didn't ask "dad" to help out in any way and I used the saw and drills and we did it on our own. The girls will remember this wood project forever!

I talked to the girls and they told me what they wanted and we measured and planned it all out on paper. I was pretty lucky to get our wood pretty cheap and from the scrap cuts at Home Depot.
Here is our basic framing in its beginning stage. This bad girl is 7 feet tall and I can stand up in it with plenty of head clearance!
Along time ago when the girls were little we had this Tikes plastic playhouse that they outgrew very fast. I still had 2 of the main side panels and decided to incorporate them into our project. Using them saved us money on wood side panels and creates a overall cute look.
Here is the one side completed with the side panel.
Here is the other side with the little door .... I still have some gaps to fill here. This project was so much fun! The girls got to measure with me, nail and screw planks of wood, and paint. They were so excited when we finished. It took us about 6 hours over 2 days to build but well worth it. Hummmmm, what next? Maybe a kitchen addition?

Monday, March 1, 2010


What a great weekend we had! It was Barb and Mike's 40th wedding anniversary and Aunt Judi and Uncle Bill took all the ladies to see Mary Poppins at Gammage in Tempe. Following the show the rest of the crew met us at PF Changs for some good eats!
We had a wonderful surprise and that was seeing lil grandma. And of course my two super cute nephews kept us all laughing.