Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Already thinking about next school year

It is totally my type "A" personality ... but I am already looking at what curriculum I have and what I will need for next school year. How exciting for us to have this wonderful opportunity to school at home. This is most of Kayla's third grade curriculum for next year. I still have a few things to get but that isn't bad. And same goes for Shae's school books. She will be in first grade next year and I am glad to be schooling her as I am seeing all the wonderful progress that she and I have made.

I have to say that watching the news about all the educational budget cuts makes me more and more proud of what we do. I don't have to cut anything! My kids won't be doing without or crammed into a room with 60 kids.

I feel for the state education and their budget but Arizona is already ranked number 49 out of 50. That is a JOKE!! That isn't anything to be proud of. The state should be adding money to their already crappy education system not taking away. I feel sorry for the teachers who will have to face these new challenges but I also commend them for what they do.

I have some people tell me that their school is rated "excelling".... and my thought is ... "excelling is great but with our low state standards that doesn't say much and does not impress me at all!"

For my friends who have kids in school I hope the state changes their mind in what funds are cut.

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