Thursday, October 9, 2008

"this is a sad day today"

Shae came inside from playing outside this am with a sad look on her face.

Shae - looking at me saying ... "this is a sad day today"
mom - "why is that?"
Shae - "there is a cricket outside stuck in a spider web and he is stuck on his back in the web"
mom - "oh, that is sad"
Shae - "the spider is eating his tummy right now and I don't like that spider"
mom - " it is??? show me ...."

We go outside and on the wall there was indeed a cricket on his back and the spider was on him webbing him up. But not exactly eating him ... yet.

mom - "get a rock and lets save him"
Shae - "okay" and she hurried to get the right rock to save him and her face went from sad to on a mission

I poke the web and the spider ran off to hide and then I "saved" the cricket.

Whew!! By the nick of time. His feet were tied by the web but he was still alive. We set him free and took the web off his legs so he could go back to his family.

Shae was so happy! And what a neat moment. Although I took away the spiders food ................. at that time it was more important to Shae to save the cricket. She has a special love for insects.

1 comment:

Janda said...

Bless her heart!! She's such a sweetie!! Your such a great mom. I would of told my kids, oh well thats life.