Thursday, November 20, 2008

All Aboard .....................

The Polar Express!

We told the girls that we were going out to dinner at a new place and it was a bit of a drive. Kayla wasn't feeling well but she went for it anyway. A couple of miles before we got to the exit in Williams I gave each of them a envelope with their golden ticket that I had made inside. I punched it with a nail with the word.... "Believe."
They about jumped out of their seats with joy! Kayla read it out loud and knew right away that they were going on the "Polar Express."

Of course we went to visit Mrs. Claus and she was delighted to see the girls.

They each got to write Santa their letters.
And mail them They were so excited to get on the train!
We all got hot chocolate and cookies. YUMMY!

We finally stopped at the "North Pole" which was lite up and Santa and his sleigh was there. We opened up the train windows and waved to him. Then he got on the train with us and passed out each child a large bell.

Listening to the bell ringing.

What fun it was!

1 comment:

Janda said...

How AWESOME!!! My kids never liked that movie, kind of makes me sad, cause I would love to go do that!