Oh yeah, if you don't know what I am talking about it .................... it is Laundry Detergent and I made it last November and it has lasted my family for 4 months.
I first learned of this clean, environmentally safe, homemade laundry detergent from the "Duggers" on their TV show of their life. So, Kayla and I tried it and what a great thing it turned out to be.
The initial investment is the bucket which you can get at Home Depot for $4-$6 and then the Borax and Arm and Hammer Washing Soda will last easily for about 8 or more makings of the detergent recipe. They cost about $3 a box. And each time you make it you need 1 bar of the Fels-Naptha bar soap found in the laundry aisle for $1.79 (Safeway). I have never seen it at Wal-Mart.
So, for about $4 I have laundry detergent that lasts 4 months and that is a whopping 12 bucks a year! AWESOME!
click here to see the steps and how I made it from my last post. The only thing I left out was after it sits all night and gels up .................. you stir it one more good time to break up the jelly like substance and it stays that ways forever. Good luck!
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