Friday, November 6, 2009

Some people wonder .....

Some people wonder what their child will be when they grow up. Some people wonder about everyone in the world. As I go on this homeschooling journey I notice once in a while that some people worry about everyone else and what they are doing and wonder why. This strikes me in a strange way but what can one do about it but wonder why?

I often wonder what Kayla and Shae will be when they grow up and I wonder if college will be fine for them and I wonder (not really) if Kayla will always be an outgoing social butterfly and Shae not as much.

But then I think.... and know that they will both be just fine! No matter what they choose to do and be ... I know they will be great! I am not so worried about them being SUPER ready for everything in life (which I am sure they will be close).

I don't worry because I myself went to public school my entire life and graduated and went to a near by local community college and took the entrance exam and about flunked it. I was placed in the lowest of low classes to make up for all that I didn't learn in my many schooling years. I finally made my way thru and went on to ASU and graduated with top honors and was a Harry Truman Scholarship candidate. So really, my high school education and diploma didn't matter ..... did it. And still to this day no one has ever asked to see it.

On the other hand, Tom (my hubby) went to private school most of his life. Then went on to at the time the east valley's largest public high school and largest graduating class to date. He is probably one of the most unsocial and quietest persons I know and although he never went on to college ... he is very successful at what he does and supports our family well.

So, why some people just "wonder" .... there really is no need to. Everything in the end will turn out just fine. Trust me!

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