This was our first day in a couple of months that we woke up to a empty tree by our door. All of our 5 birds have left the nest that we kept close watch of everyday. It was an amazing past couple of months and mostly these past few days. We first noticed one of the 5 birds had moved to a branch on the outside of the nest and would just sit there while lots of communication was going on between the parents who were near by on top of a pine tree. It was as if they were telling the little bird that it was his time to learn to fly and to get ready. And then he was gone and only 4 were left in the nest. Yesterday, we woke up to 4 birds in the nest and by 8am the fourth bird was on the same tree branch and waiting for his or her instructions from the parents. Within 30 minutes he was off and flying. After that hour after hour the next bird would do the same exact thing and prepared for flight. It was the coolest thing to witness yet sad at the same time. The funny thing is that in our science book we were doing life cycles and they had a picture of a mommy bird feeding newly hatched birds in a nest. Well, we had a much better learning experience of that life cycle first hand. Good bye little birdies!
We will miss you and we enjoyed every moment of your beginning life.
(Pictured above you can see on the left the branch that each bird stood on when it was ready to leave and learn how to fly. The last 2 remaining birds wait in the nest)
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